Today is my oldest's 12th birthday, twelve years since I became a mom, twelve years since I was given the hardest job there is. Not hard because my kids make it hard, rather the opposite because I want to be the amazing mom they deserve. This young man makes me so proud for so many reasons, he has the biggest heart and I just love his passion and his enthusiasm for most things in life. He is so incredibly thoughtful, his dream someday is to build a school in Africa, where an even number of boys and girls could attend. He and I have had many deep talks and I always leave the conversation feeling so proud of his views of the world. Last night his dad was sick in bed with the flu so it was Liam and I in charge of checking all the cows, I loved every minute of it with him. He is already so knowledgable and a huge help to his Dad and I with the farm. Today is bittersweet, I'm so proud to see the young man he's becoming but wishing I could close my eyes and relive those sweet moments again.